Who is the CRD? And What Did They Do With My DFEH?


By Molly Wood, SPHR, MAOL Senior HR Consultant

Ah, the Department of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH). Those familiar letters that gave us information about workplace discrimination & harassment, rights under the CFRA and Pregnancy Disability, and all those great posters, is no longer. The DFEH was officially renamed the California Civil Rights Department (CRD) on July 1, 2022.

The Civil Rights Department has the same jurisdiction and authority as the former DFEH. Complaints regarding workplace discrimination or harassment are now in the CRD domain, and the website has been changed to calcivilrights.ca.gov. The site has resources such as a Reasonable Accommodation Package, Family Medical and Pregnancy Disability Leave Toolkit, and a Sample EEO Policy.

Handbooks that provide information on the DFEH as a resource for discrimination or harassment claims should be updated to reflect the change to the CRD.

If you have any questions as to which California department presides over your specific employee situation, give us a call. We are not just here for our members, we are HeRe with them. 858-505-0024

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